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Tips for staying safe online

Protecting Your Digital Environment

Protecting your digital environment is critical to protecting your personal and business information from online threats. Regular software updates are necessary to keep your systems secure and free from security gaps that can leave you vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

One effective measure is to use a VPN when connecting to the internet, particularly when using free Wi-Fi networks in public places. A VPN encrypts your connection, making it difficult for hackers to access your data.

Using a password manager is another way to ensure that your online accounts are secure. You can generate unique passwords for each account, and the manager will store them securely so that you don't have to remember them.

Phishing and malware protection is essential in keeping your systems safe. Content filtering solutions can help block malicious websites and protect against botnets that can disrupt your system. Educating your staff about the risks of these types of attacks is also crucial.

Content filtering can also be used to block unwanted content, including adult sites and unsecure platforms. Ad-blocking can improve system performance and efficiency by blocking ads that collect information or contain malicious applications.

By taking these proactive measures, you can help safeguard your digital environment and keep your information secure from online threats.

Improving your system's speed can help you work more efficiently and increase overall productivity. Protected DNS servers often provide faster lookups than those offered by service providers, which can improve your performance levels. Securing your DNS also enhances reliability because DNS resolution is used multiple times when connecting to the internet. Making even a small improvement can have a significant impact.

One potential threat is typo domains that closely resemble legitimate ones. Cybercriminals use these domains to install malware or collect sensitive data from unsuspecting users who enter their login credentials. However, with DNS protection, typos like "instagrm.com" are automatically corrected to "instagram.com," providing an extra layer of security.